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Navigating the Global Landscape of IoT Transformation

2 min read

As we looked across the IoT global landscape, we recognized a global shift toward exploring IoT growth and transformation. Companies would take two distinct paths on their journey toward digital transformation. Some companies chose to partner with a third-party technology vendor to navigate this path with speed and efficiency because they lacked the internal resources, expertise, or time to complete the steps. While others were far along in their digital transformation journeys and were quite comfortable navigating the complexities of IoT themselves.  

With business and IoT transformation in mind, our research indicates that while some companies are thriving, others claim to be struggling. It is worth noting that even the companies that are faring well are operating in an economy that some say is in troubled waters. The heaviness in the room is palpable: according to a recent J.P. Morgan report, only 22% of surveyed U.S. business leaders feel optimistic about the economy, with another 65% expecting a nearby recession.

It begs the question if a company’s attitudes about IoT adoption was representative of what’s going on in the larger economy. That’s why we conducted a survey to assess how IoT transformation is shaping up across various industry sectors. 

Pulse Check on IoT Adoption: Key Findings

Our study validated a few observations. We found widespread initiatives to deploy IoT and saw struggles to deal with shifting priorities and competing workloads at the organizational level.

The study hit a few high notes, with the majority of respondents noting that IoT adoption is progressing well.

There were some surprises as well; when it came to the desire to learn more about IoT disciplines, we found that interests varied depending on whether respondents were from an international or national location. 

Now, let’s delve into a concise snapshot of the global landscape of IoT adoption and the challenges faced by businesses:

KEEP READING: The full picture of global IoT transformation is both rich and nuanced. If this glimpse has sparked your interest, you’re invited to delve deeper. Request the Full Report for deeper insights into the current state of the IoT landscape.

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